Gigahertz Solutions HFE59B RF Meter Kit Advanced
The HFE59B RF Meter Kit includes 2 Antennas – standard directional antenna plus omni-directional antenna which measures 360 degrees, peak hold feature, data output ports.
Designed to meet Bau–Biologie RF measurement performance requirements.
“Know for sure” what EMF levels you are being exposed to – own a Gigahertz Solutions HFE59B RF Meter Kit.
Sophisticated Source Identification Plus Enhanced Accuracy Features Make This Radio Frequency Analyzer an RF Technician’s 1st Choice
- Equipped with Two Antennas – The Ultra Broadband “Quasi” Isotropic UBB27 Antenna assimilates and reads the RF exposure conditions typical for a human body. Provides a 360 degree RF snap shot – Boosted Frequency Range of 27 MHz– 3.3 GHz– Outstanding High Frequency Measurement Performance; the directional Logarithmic – Periodic Antenna facilitates source identification. Readings increase when the antenna is pointed in the direction of or moved closer to offending sources – Frequency Range of 700 MHz to 3.3 GHz
- High Pass Filter HP700 G3: This accessory filters out lower frequency signals (below 700 MHz) allowing for more comprehensive analysis of RF measurements
- Optional Pulsed Signal Setting or Analogue Signal Setting: Allows for in–depth signal identification and RF risk assessment. Studies show that digital signals have the greatest biological impact
- AC/DC Outputs for Data Logging Functions: Allows for thorough test site assessment through data logging. Also designed to interface with computers and the NFA 1000 Data Logger
- Detects RF radiation generated by cellular phones and cordless phones (DECT); microwave ovens; Radar; wireless communication devices (such as internet routers, WLAN, Wi-Fi, baby monitors, Bluetooth, video games); smart meters; cell phone towers in the operational range of 700 MHz to 3.3 GHz (GSM, UMTS, 2G, 3G, 4G)
- The UBB27 Antenna in addition detects RF radiation generated by TV; FM Radio; Amateur Radio; Digital & Analog TV
Enhanced Accuracy Features:
- Three Measuring Ranges: (Coarse: 1.0 – 19,999 µW/m² ; Medium: 0.1 – 199.9 µW/m²; Fine: 0.01 – 19.99 µW/m²) Medium range and Fine range options provide added value when needing accurate assessment of moderate to weaker signals
- Comes Equipped with the Attenuator DG20 G10: the Attenuator boosts the meter’s maximum measuring range by a factor of 100 (20 dB) which means stronger exposure levels can be accurately assessed up to 2,000,000 µW/m²
- Peak Hold Feature guarantees accurately capturing momentary pulses, as in those emitted by smart meters
Also Includes:
- The meter’s audio tone replicates the patterns and intensity of measured RF emissions
- Plug in ear phone accessory is optional
- Comes equipped with both the NiMH rechargeable battery and battery charger, a storage/carrying case designed to hold all of the HFE59B components, it can accommodate an additional RF meter or EMF meter
Additional Features:
- Antennas: Omni–directional UBB27 “Quasi” Isotropic 27 MHz – 3.3 GHz – 360º Directional Logarithmic Periodic“LogPer” 700MHz – 3.3 GHz 45º
- AC/DC Outputs: Facilitates equipment interfacing: oscilloscopes / spectrum analyzers / full audio assessment /data logging (5 mV DC or 10 mV per digit) switchable
- LCD Display (3.5 digits): Easy to read 3.5 digit display
- Accuracy / Linearity Deviation: +/– 3 dB
- Audible Tone: The meter’s audio tone replicates the patterns and intensity of measured RF emissions
- Signal Detection Type: Peak,Average, and Peak Hold feature – Radar / UMTS / 3G / 4G – Able to measure Analogue and Digital (pulsed) separately
- Power Supply: Rechargeable battery (NIMH supplied) – compatible with 9 Volt alkaline battery
- Battery Recharging Unit: 12 VDC battery charger supplied
- Battery Low Indicator: Meter will auto–power off 3 minutes following battery low signal display
- Auto Power Off: Saves on battery use – will auto–power off after 40 min of continuous EMF testing
- Operating Time: NIMH provides up to 7 hours continuous use/ alkaline disposable provides up to 24hrs continuous EMF testing
- Measuring Ranges:
- 0.01 –19.99 µW/m² // 00.1 – 199.9 µW/m² // 0.01 – 19.99 mW/m²
- Maximum display resolution is 1,999 mW/m² with the external DG20_G10 Attenuator 100x)
- Minimum display resolution is 0.001 µW/m² (1 nW/m²) with the external HV10_27G3 Amplifier(10x)
- Carrying Case: Sturdy plastic storage/carrying case included
- Plastic Carrying Case – K2 (33 x 27 x 16) cm (13 x 10.6 x 6.2) inches
- HFE59B Radio Frequency Analyzer
- Antenna – Ultra Broadband “Quasi” Isotropic, 360º, (27 MHz to 3.3 GHz) (UBB27)
- Antenna – Logarithmic Periodic 700 MHz – 2.7 GHz vertically polarized
- Users Guide – RF Analyzer and UBB27 Antenna
- 2 Year Warranty Certificate
- Rechargeable Battery Pack
- 120 VAC Battery Charger (220 VAC charger available on request)
- Silicone protective cover – black
- RF Attenuator – DG20_G10 (-20 dB or -100x)
- RF Preamplifier – HV10_27G3 (+10 dB or +10x)
- High Pass Filter – HP700_G3 (800 MHz)
During the manufacturing process strict calibration procedures are followed using only high end, calibrated measurement instruments. This guarantees that every HF59B meter made by Gigahertz has been individually calibrated to a traceable standard.