Gigahertz HF59B RF Meter
The Gigahertz HF59B RF Meter includes audio signal analysis and a standard directional antenna, peak hold feature, data output ports.
This meter is compatible with the UBB27 “Quasi” Isotropic Antenna which will extend the measuring range 27MHz – 3.3GHz, and allows for Omni-Directional measurements.
“Know for sure” what EMF levels you are being exposed to – own a Gigahertz Solutions HF59B RF Meter.
Designed to meet Bau–Biologie RF measurement performance requirements.
Sophisticated Source Identification Plus Enhanced Accuracy Features Make the HF59B RF Meter Radio Frequency Analyzer – An RF Technician’s 1st Choice
- Equipped with One Antenna – Directional Logarithmic – Periodic Antenna facilitates source identification. Readings increase when the antenna is pointed in the direction of or moved closer to offending sources. Frequency Range of 800 MHz to 3.3 GHz
- Is compatible with the UBB27 “Quasi” Isotropic Antenna. This can be purchased separately or as part of the HFE59B Meter Kit
- Optional Pulsed Signal Setting or Analogue Signal Setting: Allows for in–depth signal identification and RF risk assessment. Studies show that digital signals have the greatest biological impact
- AC/DC Outputs for Data Logging Functions: Allows for thorough test site assessment through data logging. Also designed to interface with computers and the NFA 1000 Data Logger
- Detects RF radiation generated by cellular phones and cordless phones (DECT); microwave ovens; Radar; wireless communication devices (such as internet routers, WLAN, Wi-Fi, baby monitors, Bluetooth, video games); smart meters; cell phone towers in the operational range of 700 MHz to 3.3 GHz (GSM, UMTS, 2G, 3G, 4G)
Enhanced Accuracy Features:
- Three Measuring Ranges: (Coarse: 1.0 – 19,999 µW/m² ; Medium: 0.1 – 199.9 µW/m²; Fine: 0.01 – 19.99 µW/m²) Medium range and Fine range options provide added value when needing accurate assessment of moderate to weaker signals
- Option to add Attenuator DG20 G10: the Attenuator boosts the meter’s maximum measuring range by a factor of 100 (20 dB) which means stronger exposure levels can be accurately assessed up to 2,000,000 µW/m²
- Peak Hold Feature guarantees accurately capturing momentary pulses, as in those emitted by smart meters
Also Includes:
- The meter’s audio tone replicates the patterns and intensity of measured RF emissions
- Plug in ear phone accessory is optional
- Comes equipped with both the NiMH rechargeable battery and battery charger, and a storage/carrying case designed to hold all of the HFE59B components, it can accommodate an additional RF meter or EMF meter
Additional Features:
- Antennas: Directional Logarithmic Periodic“LogPer” 700MHz – 2.7 GHz 45º
- AC/DC Outputs: Facilitates equipment interfacing: oscilloscopes / spectrum analyzers / full audio assessment /data logging (5 mV DC or 10 mV per digit) switchable
- LCD Display (3.5 digits): Easy toread 3.5 digit display
- Accuracy / Linearity Deviation: +/– 3 dB
- Audible Tone: The meter’s audio tone replicates the patterns and intensity of measured RF emissions
- Signal Detection Type: Peak,Average, and Peak Hold feature – Radar / UMTS / 3G / 4G – Able to measure Analogue and Digital (pulsed) separately
- Power Supply: Rechargeable battery (NIMH supplied) – compatible with 9 Volt alkaline battery
- Battery Recharging Unit: 12 VDC battery charger supplied
- Battery Low Indicator: Meter will auto and power off 3 minutes following battery low signal display
- Auto Power Off: Saves on battery use – will auto–power off after 40 min of continuous EMF testing
- Operating Time: NIMH provides up to 7 hours continuous use/ alkaline disposable provides up to 24hrs continuous EMF testing
- Measuring Ranges: 0.01 –19.99 µW/m² // 00.1 – 199.9 µW/m² // 0.01 – 19.99 mW/m²
- Carrying Case: Sturdy plastic storage/carrying case included
- Plastic Carrying Case – K2 (33 x 27 x 16) cm (13 x 10.6 x 6.2) inches
- HF59B Radio Frequency Analyzer
- Antenna – Logarithmic Periodic 700 MHz – 2.7 GHz vertically polarized
- Users Guide – RF Analyzer
- 2 Year Warranty Certificate
- Rechargeable Battery Pack
- 120 VAC Battery Charger (220 VAC charger available on request)
- Silicone protective cover – black
During the manufacturing process, the team follows strict calibration procedures and uses only high-end, calibrated measurement instruments. This approach guarantees that every HF59B meter made by Gigahertz undergoes individual calibration to a traceable standard.